
Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Join the forum, it's quick and easy


Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Where the cool people talk.

Recruit contest!!! Tell everyone about chattercorner!

Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:45 pm by Fluffy

Hi everyone! Aly here.
To celebrate our grand opening, we are going to hold a contest to recruit even more members and help the site grow.

- Making multiple accounts and counting them as different members is NOT allowed and will cause you to be disqualified.
-The person you recruit must make a welcome thread and say "**** referred me to this site"
-Do not force people to join

Now everyone always wonders about the prize ChatterCorner - Portal 126604

The member who recruits the most members to this site will receive a special member bar (picture coming soon) and will be a moderator on the site for one month.
Cool huh? ^.^

So help us out and bring some members to chattercorner! The more members we have, the funner the site is!

Feel free to use this graphic made by Lilygeek in your signatures to help advertise on sites. :]

ChatterCorner - Portal 24lisr5

Thanks a bunch!
-CC Staff

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Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers

Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:04 pm by Lilygeek

Hey there everyone Very Happy
ChatterCorner is currently looking for a good staff team, so we have set up some applications... & if you're interested in being a mod then please fill this & PM them to me (Lilygeek) & Fluffy Smile

Moderators Application:

Moderators are able to moderate the whole board, & they work on making topics fun & active, dealing with forum issues & work on making ChatterCorner a better place overall. ^_^

Moderators should be friendly, helpful, active around the forum & mature so we know that they can deal with any problems/issues if they present themselves.

If you would like to apply to become a moderator, please fill the following form below & PM it to Lilygeek & Fluffy.

Why would you like to become a Moderator?
How often can you come online on these forums?
In a situation where two members are discussing/fighting about politics ,for example, what would you do?
Have you ever been a Moderator before, or are currently one on …

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Our Mascot

Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:47 pm by Fluffy

Ok so Lilygeek and I have decided to have a mascot.
His name is fredrick.
ChatterCorner - Portal 2qi7iuf
Fredrick is a pink llama. He loves chattercorner and it's members. ^_^
Want Fredrick as your avatar? Just save this picture to file, then upload it [: Feel free to use him to represent us at CC! ;D

Fredrick loves you all <3

..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-...

Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:49 pm by Fluffy

Welcome everyone to ChatterCorner! Smile
This site was created by me, Aly, and my best-friend-twin, Lilygeek. We made this site so teens could come here and chat about whatever is on their mind. Be sure to follow the rules and be respectful to other members.

For right now this site is going to be hosted by forumotion, and as we get more members we are going to try to update to vBulletin, get a domain, & tons of cool new features. It depends on how popular we get :]
That starts with YOU! Tell all your friends! Only you can help us reach full potential!

Thanks a bunch for coming to our grand opening, We hope you have a fantastic time! If you have any questions, PM me or Lilygeek.

Thanks a bunch!

~Site Owners

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