
Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Join the forum, it's quick and easy


Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff


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Where the cool people talk.

2 posters

    ..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-...

    Site Owner
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    Posts : 119
    Reputation : 6
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Age : 26
    Location : On a rainbow! xD

    ..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-... Empty ..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-...

    Post by Fluffy Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:49 pm

    Welcome everyone to ChatterCorner! Smile
    This site was created by me, Aly, and my best-friend-twin, Lilygeek. We made this site so teens could come here and chat about whatever is on their mind. Be sure to follow the rules and be respectful to other members.

    For right now this site is going to be hosted by forumotion, and as we get more members we are going to try to update to vBulletin, get a domain, & tons of cool new features. It depends on how popular we get :]
    That starts with YOU! Tell all your friends! Only you can help us reach full potential!

    Thanks a bunch for coming to our grand opening, We hope you have a fantastic time! If you have any questions, PM me or Lilygeek.

    Thanks a bunch!

    ~Site Owners
    Site Owner
    Site Owner

    Posts : 68
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Age : 28
    Location : Hogwarts! :D

    ..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-... Empty Re: ..-♥ Grand Opening Of! ♥-...

    Post by Lilygeek Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:56 pm

    Wohooo!!!! Very Happy
    We hope everyone enjoys the forum. It will be a ton of fun ^-^

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:16 pm