
Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Join the forum, it's quick and easy


Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff


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Where the cool people talk.

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!

    Site Owner
    Site Owner

    Posts : 68
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Age : 28
    Location : Hogwarts! :D

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Empty ChatterCorner Ranks Information!

    Post by Lilygeek Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:45 pm

    Hello there everyone!;D

    Here at ChatterCorner, we use Bars & Titles to determine an user's rank at the forums.
    So yes, you get a rank even if you're not on staff. Isn't that cool?ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  947470

    Now, let's take a look at our different ranks!

    We'll start by..... the Newbie!

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Posts_1
    An user is considered a Newbie when they have less than 25 posts.

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Posts_2
    An user is considered a member when they have 25 - 100 posts.

    Super Poster:
    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Posts_10
    An user is considered a Super Poster when they have 100 - 499 posts.

    Crazy Poster:
    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  28qrpe8
    An user is considered a Crazy Poster when they have 500 - 999 posts.

    Ultimate Member:
    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Rllw9g
    An user is considered an Ultimate Member when they have 1,000 - 1,999 posts.

    Addicted Member!
    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  Posts_8
    An user is considered an Addicted Member when they have 2,000 posts.

    Now, those are all of our current posting ranks. But, as the site grows, more ranks will be added for those super posters, lol!

    Now, the Staff Ranks:

    Site Owner:
    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  2e4duv9

    The Site Owners are Fluffy & Lilygeek (The Aly Twins, woot). These are, as the title implies, the site's owners ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  271286 They take care of all forum issues along with the Admins/Mods & make sure all is running smoothly.


    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  2yw8h6p
    The Administrators are users picked out by Site Owners. They take care of the significant forum issues along with the Site Owners.

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  2e53z3c
    The Moderators are users picked out by Site Owners & Administrators. These take care of the forum's smaller issues, & help out the administrators in the taking of bigger decisions. They also help making our forums active.

    ChatterCorner Ranks Information!  10pttzm
    The Designers are usually picked by Site Owners, Administrators & Moderators. They take care of the graphical aspects of the site. They may create banners, smileys, bars, etc. for our forums. They may also moderate the Graphics sections.


    So, those are all of our site's user ranks! ^.^
    More may be added as our site grows!
    But we hope this helped you out:)

    ~ ChatterCorner Staff

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:37 pm