
Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Join the forum, it's quick and easy


Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff


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Where the cool people talk.

    ChatterCorner Staff

    Site Owner
    Site Owner

    Posts : 68
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Age : 28
    Location : Hogwarts! :D

    ChatterCorner Staff Empty ChatterCorner Staff

    Post by Lilygeek Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:06 pm

    This is a list of the ChatterCorner Staff. If you need any help or have any questions, concerns, doubts, etc. Feel free to contact any of them! Smile


    These are, as the title implies, the site's owners ChatterCorner Staff 271286 They take care of all forum issues along with the Admins/Mods & make sure all is running smoothly.



    The Administrators are users picked out by Site Owners. They take care of the significant forum issues along with the Site Owners.

    Currently none.


    The Moderators are users picked out by Site Owners & Administrators. These take care of the forum's smaller issues, & help out the administrators in the taking of bigger decisions. They also help making our forums active.

    karen .


    The Designers are usually picked by Site Owners, Administrators & Moderators. They take care of the graphical aspects of the site. They may create banners, smileys, bars, etc. for our forums. They may also moderate the Graphics sections.

    karen .

    If you ever need any help, feel free to let any of us know! We're here to help Smile

    Thank you!

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:46 pm