
Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff

Join the forum, it's quick and easy


Hello there! Very Happy
Welcome to ChatterCorner! ChatterCorner is a site where you can just come chat about random stuff & have fun. So register today! It's easy and free! And when you register the Advice, School, Photography, Graphics Designing, & Writing (including Roleplays!) forums will open up to you. So why not join today?!

~ ChatterCorner Staff


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2 posters

    Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers

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    Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers Empty Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers

    Post by Lilygeek Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:04 pm

    Hey there everyone Very Happy
    ChatterCorner is currently looking for a good staff team, so we have set up some applications... & if you're interested in being a mod then please fill this & PM them to me (Lilygeek) & Fluffy Smile

    Moderators Application:

    Moderators are able to moderate the whole board, & they work on making topics fun & active, dealing with forum issues & work on making ChatterCorner a better place overall. ^_^

    Moderators should be friendly, helpful, active around the forum & mature so we know that they can deal with any problems/issues if they present themselves.

    If you would like to apply to become a moderator, please fill the following form below & PM it to Lilygeek & Fluffy.

    Why would you like to become a Moderator?
    How often can you come online on these forums?
    In a situation where two members are discussing/fighting about politics ,for example, what would you do?
    Have you ever been a Moderator before, or are currently one on another forum?


    Designers Application:

    Designers are able to moderate the Graphics Designing & Photography sections of our forum, but they mostly deal with things concerning the graphical aspects of the site, for example creating rank bars, smileys, banners, etc.

    If you would like to be a Designer, please fill the form below & PM it to Lilygeek & Fluffy.

    Why would you like to become a Designer?
    How often can you come online on these forums?
    What graphics editing programs do you use?
    Please make an example of a banner, & a rank bar.
    Do you have any past experience as a Graphics Designer anywhere else?


    So that is all Very Happy
    We will be picking about 2-3 Moderators & 1 Designer. The new staff members will be announced on the 13th, unless an extension is necessary.

    Thank you!

    ~ Fluffy & Lilygeek woot
    Site Owner
    Site Owner

    Posts : 119
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    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Age : 26
    Location : On a rainbow! xD

    Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers Empty Re: Staff Applications - Moderators/Designers

    Post by Fluffy Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:15 pm

    Come on and apply people! ^_^ Help this site grow into a nice community!

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